- “Prediction of three articulatory categories in vocal sound imitations using models for auditory receptive fields”, A. Friberg, T. Lindeberg, M. Hellwagner, P. Helgason, G. Laís Salomão, A. Elowsson, G. Lemaitre, and S. Ternström.
The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 144(3), Pages 1467-1483, 2018. - “Embodied sound design”, S. Delle Monache, D. Rocchesso, F. Bevilacqua, G. Lemaitre, S. Baldan, A. Cera. International Journal of Human-Computer Studies, Volume 118, Pages 47-59, October 2018.
- “Rising tones and rustling noises: Metaphors in gestural depictions of sounds”, G. Lemaitre, H. Scurto, J. Françoise, F. Bevilacqua, O. Houix, P. Susini. PLoS ONE, in 12(7), 2017.
- “Automatic recognition of sound categories from their vocal imitation using audio primitives automatically derived by SI-PLCA and HMM”, E. Marchetto and G. Peeters. Proceedings of the International Symposium on Computer Music Multidisciplinary Research (CMMR), Porto, Portugal. September 25-28, 2017.
- “The Sound Design Toolkit”, S. Baldan, S. Delle Monache, and D. Rocchesso. Software X, in press, 2017.
- “Vocal imitations of non-vocal sounds”, G. Lemaitre, O. Houix, F. Voisin, N. Misdariis, and P. Susini. PLoS ONE, in 11(12), 2016.
- “Auditory bubbles reveal sparse time-frequency cues subserving identification of musical voices and instruments”, V. Isnard, C. Suied, and G. Lemaitre. Proceedings of the ASA Fall Meeting, Honolulu, HI, 2016.
- “Comparing identification of vocal imitations and computational sketches of everyday sounds”, G. Lemaitre, O. Houix, F. Voisin, N. Misdariis, and P. Susini. Proceedings of the ASA Fall Meeting, Honolulu, HI, 2016.
- “A Case of Cooperative Sound Design”, C. Erkut, D. Rocchesso, S. Delle Monache, and S. Serafin. Proceedings of the 9th Nordic Conference on Human-Computer Interaction, 2016.
- “Embodying sounds: Building and analysis of a database of gestural and vocal imitations”, H. Scurto, G. Lemaitre, J. Françoise, F. Bevilacqua, P. Susini, and F. Voisin. In 7th Conference of the International Society for Gesture Studies, Paris (France), 18-22 Jul 2016.
- “Innovative Tools for Sound Sketching Combining Vocalizations and Gestures”, O. Houix, S. Delle Monache, H. Lachambre, F. Bevilacqua, D. Rocchesso, and G. Lemaitre. Proceedings of the Audio Mostly, ACM, 2016.
- “Cooperative sound design: A protocol analysis”, S. Delle Monache and D. Rocchesso. Proceedings of the Audio Mostly, ACM, 2016.
- “Understanding cooperative sound design through linkographic analysis”, S. Delle Monache and D. Rocchesso. XXI CIM Conference. Cagliari, Italy, 2016.
- “Sonic in(tro)spection by vocal sketching”, A. Cera, D. Andrea Mauro, and D. Rocchesso. XXI CIM Conference. Cagliari, Italy, 2016.
- “Sketching Sonic Interactions by Imitation-Driven Sound Synthesis”, S. Baldan, S. Delle Monache, D. Rocchesso, H. Lachambre. Proceedings of the Sound and Music Computing conference, 31 aug. – 3 sept., Hamburg, Germany, 2016.
- “Sketching Step in Sound Design: the Sound Designers’ Point of View.”, P. Boussard, C. Dendievel, and H. Lachambre. Proceedings of Internoise, 4505-4513, Hamburg, Germany, 2016.
- “Organizing a sonic space through vocal imitations”, D. Rocchesso, D.A. Mauro, and C. Drioli. J. Audio Engineering Society, 64(7/8): 474-483, 2016. DOI:10.1007/s12193-016-0227-6
- “Non-speech voice for sonic interaction: a catalogue”, A. Del Piccolo and D. Rocchesso, J. Multimodal User Interfaces (2016). DOI:10.1007/s12193-016-0227-6
- “A database of articulatory annotations of vocal imitations”, P. Helgason, G. Laís Salomão, and S. Ternström, Proceedings of the XXIX Swedish Phonetics Conference, Stockholm (Sweden), 13 – 15 June, 2016.
- “Vocal imitations of basic auditory features”, G. Lemaitre, A. Jabbari, N. Misdariis, O. Houix, and P. Susini, The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 139, 290-300, 2016.
- “miMic: The Microphone as a Pencil”, D. Rocchesso, D.A. Mauro, and S. Delle Monache. In Proceedings of the TEI ’16: Tenth International Conference on Tangible, Embedded, and Embodied Interaction. ACM, New York, NY, USA, 357-364, 2016.
- “Extraction of articulatory parameters from audio files used for sound sketching”, M. Hellwagner. M.Sc. thesis, TU Berlin and KTH Stockholm, 1 Jan 2016.
- “Combining gestures and vocalizations during sound imitation”, H. Scurto, G. Lemaitre, J. Françoise, P. Susini, F. Bevilacqua. Proceedings the of the meeting of Acoustical Society of America, Jacksonville, FL, 2015.
- “A set of audio features for the morphological description of vocal imitations”, E. Marchetto and G. Peeters. Digital Audio Effects Conference, Trondheim (Norway), 30 November – 03 December, 2015.
- “Reverberation still in business: Thickening and propagating micro-textures in physics-based sound modeling”, D. Rocchesso, S. Baldan, and S. Delle Monache. Digital Audio Effects Conference, Trondheim (Norway), 30 November – 03 December, 2015.
- “Analyzing and organizing the sonic space of vocal imitation”, D.A Mauro, and D. Rocchesso. Audio Mostly 2015, Thessaloniki (Greece), 07-09 October, 2015.
- “Multisensory texture exploration at the tip of the pen”, D. Rocchesso, S. Delle Monache and S. Papetti. International Journal of Human-Computer Studies, January, 2016.
- “To “Sketch-a-Scratch” “, A. Del Piccolo, S. Delle Monache, D. Rocchesso, S. Papetti, and D.A. Mauro. 12th Sound and Music Computing Conference (SMC2015), Maynooth (Ireland), 26 July – 01 August, 2015.
- “Towards a not-yet existing practice of vocal sketching”, S. Delle Monache, D. Rocchesso, S. Baldan, D.A. Mauro. 21th International Conference on Auditory Display (ICAD2015), Graz (Austria), 07-10 July, 2015.
- “Vocal imitations of basic auditory features”, G. Lemaitre, A. Jabbari, O. Houix, N. Misdariis, P. Susini. 169th Meeting of the Acoustical Society of America. Pittsburgh (USA), 18-22 May, 2015.
- “Idealized Computational Models for Auditory Receptive Fields”, T. Lindeberg, and A. Friberg. PLOS ONE. 30 March 2015.
- “Physically informed car engine sound synthesis for virtual and augmented environments”, S. Baldan, H. Lachambre, S. Delle Monache, P. Boussard. 2nd Workshop on Sonic Interactions in Virtual Environments (within IEEE VR 2015), Arles (France), 24 March, 2015.
- “Sketching sound with voice and gesture”, D. Rocchesso, G. Lemaitre, S. Ternström, P. Susini, P. Boussard. interactions 22, 1 (January 2015), 38-41. DOI=10.1145/2685501 http://doi.acm.org/10.1145/2685501
- “Bauhaus legacy in Research through Design: the case of Basic Sonic Interaction Design.” Delle Monache, S., & Rocchesso, D. 2014 Dec 28. International Journal of Design [Online] 8:3
- “Non-Verbal Imitations as a Sketching Tool for Sound Design.”, G. Lemaitre, P. Susini, D. Rocchesso, C. Lambourg, P. Boussard, In Mitsuko Aramaki et al., editors, Lecture Notes in Computer Sciences: Sound, Music, and Motion. Springer, Berlin/Heidelberg, Germany, 2014, pp. 558-574.
- “Advanced signal processing methods for the analysis of transient radiated noise from submarines” T. Leissing, C. Audoly, H. Lachambre, G. Stempfel. InterNoise, Melbourne (Australia), 16-19 November, 2014.
- “SELF-ORGANIZING THE SPACE OF VOCAL IMITATIONS” D. Rocchesso, and D.A. Mauro. XX CIM Conference, Rome (Italy), 20-22 October, 2014.
- “His engine’s voice: towards a vocal sketching tool for synthetic engine sounds” S. Baldan , S. Delle Monache, and L. Comanducci. XX CIM Conference, Rome (Italy), 20-22 October, 2014.
- “Sounding objects in Europe”, D. Rocchesso. The New Soundtrack, Volume 4, Issue 2, pp 157–164, September, 2014.
- “A design exploration on the effectiveness of vocal imitations” S. Delle Monache , S. Baldan, D.A. Mauro, and D. Rocchesso. 40th International Computer Music Conference (ICMC) joint with the 11th Sound & Music Computing conference (SMC), Athens (Greece), 14-20 September, 2014.
- “2001-2016: Oggetti sonanti in Europa.” D. Rocchesso, Associazione Italiana di Acustica 41° Convegno Nazionale, Pisa (Italy), 17-19 June 2014.
- “Sound initiation and source types in human imitations of sounds” P. Helgason, FONETIK 2014, Stockholm (Sweden), 09-11 June 2014.
- “Might as Well Jump: Sound Affects Muscle Activation in Skateboarding,” Paola Cesari, Ivan Camponogara, Stefano Papetti, Davide Rocchesso, and Federico Fontana. PLOS ONE, 9 March 2014, Volume 9, Issue 3.
- “On the effectiveness of vocal imitations and verbal descriptions of sounds.” G. Lemaitre, and D. Rocchesso. J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 135, 862 (2014).
- “Sketch a Scratch.” S. Delle Monache, D. Rocchesso, and S. Papetti. 8th International Conference on Tangible, Embedded and Embodied Interaction (TEI), Munich (Germany), 16-19 February, 2014.